20 September, 2015

kusmi tea -- the kusmi

I love to take pictures and I love tea! my father in law bought this easily cleaned mug last xmas and I love to take it on my photo hunts! To thanks him I decided to snap a picture that reflect those "moments" when I wait for a picture while sipping my tea...
As a side note, this post is not sponsored by neither canon nor kusmi! (but is either brand want... I would love to)
tea with a heron / mon the avec un heron
Earlier that summer there was a contest about "kusmi travel" (I lost!) where you had to show your tea on vacation... I was already back from my vacation at the time so I decided to take my tea boxes for a walk and try a few things...  so here is a little play on the perspective


so happy about the bokeh effect on that one! It is a lot of fun and it allowed me to explore a bit different effects... even if I lost the contest I'm happy with my pictures!

and I promise, I will make a post about all those teas!

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I love Kusmi tea!!! I always take a box with me when I travel, do you have a favourite one?
